Final for Meatspace

In my meatspace final project, I wanted to try to do an extension of one of our previous projects. Primarily the Glitch project we did earlier in the quarter. It was probably a simpler project then I could have done, since I just printed out the glitched image that I did for the Glitch project and traced it out, then took a picture of it. I was planning on glitching the picture that I took but was having technical issues. Every time I tried glitching the image, it just force closed the image and didn’t save what I’d done. Since, for me, this was an extension of the Glitch project, I wanted this whole process to be taking a completely normal picture, or in my case a still from a video game and change it so that people could still see the core details of what the image was, but have it be all chopped up, essentially making it art in the process. And then in the final stage, what I did for this final, I wanted to keep making it into more of an art piece, still trying to have the viewer see some resemblance to the original piece, but having it still be in a state of what part of the drawing is where in the original piece.